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Se presenta en inglés, el informe resultado del seminario “El legado de las personas africanas y afrodescendientes a España” celebrado en de…
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Este estudio, elaborado por GEA21 con la coordinación del Observatorio Español del Racismo y la Xenofobia (OBERAXE), tiene como objetivo una…
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ESFERAS DE IGUALDAD: Comunicacion y Criterios de Intervencion para Mejorar la Convivencia en los Barrios
Resultados encuesta sobre intolerancia y discriminación hacia las personas musulmanas en España
Este informe, elaborado por la investigadora Rosa Aparicio Gómez, tiene como objetivo describir los resultados de la “Encuesta sobre y…
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Resultados encuesta sobre intolerancia y discriminación hacia las personas musulmanas en España
INTEGRATION of the children of immigrants in the labour market: an overview
This report was put together to ascertain the actual situation faced by immigrants’ children and their insertion in the Spanish market. …
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INTEGRATION of the children of immigrants in the labour market: an overview
PERCEPTIONS, DISCOURSE AND ATTITUDES towards inmigrants in a Madrid neighbourhood
This study aims to analyze in depth, from a qualitative perspective, the knowledge of social motivations, the reasons for the changes and trends…
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PERCEPTIONS, DISCOURSE AND ATTITUDES towards inmigrants in a Madrid neighbourhood
This report comes in response to a request for research on the part of the Follow-Up Com-mittee on the Agreement for Institucional to…
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Analysis of cases and judgments on racism, xenophobia, LGBTIphobia and other forms of intolerance, 2014-2017
Report - Survey 2017. Evolution of Racism, Xenophobia and other forms of Intolerance in Spain
We publish the report on the analysis of results of the survey Attitudes towards immigration X, carried out by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) in 2017. The results of the report show the same positive trend regarding the tolerant attitude of Spanish nationals towards immigration, although some variables show a slight regression in comparison to 2016. Nevertheless, it should be indicated that 2016 was an exceptional year with the best results of the whole period analysed (since 2007). In 2017 a proportion of 54% of the respondents considered immigration positively, being the third best result of the period after 2007 (58.9%) and 2016 (54.3%). The report also shows that factors such as the economic situation, dramatic events, the media and political speech have an influence on the attitudes towards immigration. Therefore, it is crucial to continue monitoring these attitudes and implementing prevention action, raising awareness and fighting racism, xenophobia and other related intolerance.
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Report - Survey 2017. Evolution of Racism, Xenophobia and other forms of Intolerance in Spain
Final Memory PROXIMITY Project
We publish the final memory of the PROXIMITY project (Proximity Police Against Racism, Xenophobia and other forms of intolerance). The was…
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Final Memory PROXIMITY Project
The PROXIMITY project (Proximity policing against racism, xenophobia and other related intolerance) co-funded by the Rights, and…
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Local Action Plan: Addressed to Local Authorities and PROXIMITY Police for Tackling Racism, Xenophobia and Other Forms of Intolerance
The Toolkit Against Racism, Xenophobia and other Forms of Intolerance Covering Municipalities, and Particularly Proximity Policing, is practical…
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Toolkit Against Racism, Xenophobia and other Forms of Intolerance Covering Municipalities, and Particularly Proximity Policing
The 2018 Special Raxen Report warns that there is a global increase in the acts of intolerance and hate speech; a phenomenon that the have…
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Raxen Special Report 2018
The objective of this study is to show a reflection of the experience of being an immigrant in Spain, through the opinions and feelings the…
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Voces de inmigrantes
Report on the evolution of incidents related to hate crimes in Spain. 2017
This report publishes the statistical data of incidents related to hate crimes recorded by the Ministry of Interior in 2017. The study reveals that …
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Report on the evolution of incidents related to hate crimes in Spain. 2017
An incontestable reality: Islamophobia in the media
The 2017 report of the Observatory of Islamophobia in the Media, is an initiative of the IEMed and the Al Fanar Foundation for Knowledge,…
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An incontestable reality: Islamophobia in the media
The Brechas study, funded by the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare, reflects the impact of the three digital gaps on foreign…
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Report - Survey 2016. Evolution of racism, Xenophobia and other forms of Intolerance in Spain
The Report is based on the results obtained from the survey carried out in 2016, under the name of Attitudes towards Immigration carried out by the …
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Report - Survey 2016. Evolution of racism, Xenophobia and other forms of Intolerance in Spain
Handbook on European non-discrimination law – 2018 edition
This Manual contains references to the EU non-discrimination directives, article 14 of Protocol 12 of the European Convention on Human as…
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Handbook on European non-discrimination law – 2018 edition
OECD. Working together: skills and labour market integration and immigrants and their children
The report shows that Sweden has a well-developed, sustainable policy for reception and establishment, but the great number of asylum seekers in 2015 …
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The study shows the results of the research done in Working Package 1 of the Proximity project "Best practice and comparative services,…
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Comparative study of best practices: services, structure, strategies and methodologies in community policing against racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance
Immigrants’ contribution to the economies of developing countries
Immigrants’ contribution to the economies of developing countries is the result of a project implemented by the OECD’s Development Centre …
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This report was commissioned by the “Judgement Analysis” working group, part of the Monitoring Committee of the Cooperation…
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Analysis of cases and judgements on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance
Proximity policing against racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance
As part of the PROXIMITY project, the Spanish Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia presents the leaflets “Community Policing against racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance” in Spanish and English. The project aims to contribute to awareness raising and prevention of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance and to promote non-discrimination, harmonious interaction with the municipal police in its preventive role and mediation in neighbourhood conflicts.
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Proximity policing against racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance
Report on the conceptual distinction of hate crimes
This report aims to establish a series of basic conceptual clarifications that may serve as a guide to address and discuss the issue so-called…
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Report on the conceptual distinction of hate crimes
Public health intervention to combat hate violence
According to figures from the World Health Organisation, interpersonal violence was the third cause of death for the 15 to 29 year old age bracket in …
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Public health intervention to combat hate violence
Guide on Intersectional discrimination. Roma Women
This guide, published by the Fundación del Secretariado Gitano, a Spanish Roma association, presents information collected in working meetings with …
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Guide on Intersectional discrimination. Roma Women
Living conditions of the Chinese population in Andalusia and Spain - 2016-2017
This report from the Andalusian Standing Observatory on Migration (Observatorio Permanente Andaluz de las Migraciones) aims to the…
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Living conditions of the Chinese population in Andalusia and Spain - 2016-2017
The report is based on the results obtained from a survey taken in 2015 under the name “Attitudes towards immigration” conducted Spain’s…
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Development of racism, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance in Spain (Report-Survey 2015)
Together in the EU. Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
In March 2017, the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency presented this report on the integration of migrants, refugees their…
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Together in the EU. Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
Report on incidents related to hate crimes in Spain - 2016
This report publishes statistical data on incidents related to hate crimes recorded by the Ministry of the Interior in 2016.
Over the year the…
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Guidebook on European right to access to justice
The European Fundamental Rights Agency, known by its acronym FRA, recently presented the Guidebook on the European right to access justice,…
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Guidebook on European right to access to justice
2016 Special Raxen Report: Hate Speech and the Xenophobia and Intolerance Tsunami
The Special 2106 RAXEN report depicts international bodies’ (UN-CERD, OSCE, Council of Europe and European Union) great concern the…
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2016 Special Raxen Report: Hate Speech and the Xenophobia and Intolerance Tsunami
General Recommendation num. 15 on combating hate speech and its explanatory memorandum
The European Fundamental Rights Agency, known by its acronym FRA, recently presented the Guidebook on the European right to access justice,…
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General Recommendation num. 15 on combating hate speech and its explanatory memorandum
Prevention and detection of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance in the field of health
The Spanish Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia, within the Pandora project, presents the leaflets: “Prevention and detection of xenophobia…
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Prevention and detection of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance in the field of health
Criminal prosecution of hate crimes (Practical Guide)
The Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and International…
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Criminal prosecution of hate crimes (Practical Guide)
The report’s editorial offers an overview of the contemporary antisemitism including definitions and examples of this phenomenon in daily life, …
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Raxen Report: Antisemitism xenophobia as expressions of racism and intolerance. Number 57. January - March 2016
Published in 2011, the report provides in-depth analysis of the Comprehensive Strategy against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance and aims to shed light on the actions proposed in the strategy that were implemented and their degree of effectiveness. This evaluation also affords a vision of the spheres where greater effort is required when results did not conform to what was expected. Furthermore, it highlights the importance not only of spotlighting the problem so that it may be addressed, but also of cooperation between various stakeholders.
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Report on evaluation and monitoring of the comprehensive strategy against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance
This report is based on results obtained from the “Attitudes towards immigration” survey conducted in 2014 conducted by the Research…
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Development of racism, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance in Spain (2014 Survey-Report)
This handbook is the result of a year’s work in the FRIDA project (Training for the prevention and detection of racism, xenophobia other…
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Handbook for the prevention and detection of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance in schools
Practical handbook for investigating and prosecuting hate crimes and discrimination
This handbook is a practical tool for professionals in the judiciary and law enforcement with a view to conducting investigations prosecuting…
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Practical handbook for investigating and prosecuting hate crimes and discrimination
Report on hate crime related incidents in Spain
This report publishes statistical data on hate crime related incidents recorded by the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2015. Gender and were…
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Report on hate crime related incidents in Spain
This workbook brings together audio-visual materials compiled by non-governmental organisations, pubic bodies and other agents in order to promote respect for diversity, tolerance and non-discrimination. This teaching tool is available to all of those who wish to access or disseminate knowledge based on combating racial and ethnic discrimination.
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Combating racial and ethnic discrimination. Workbook 2. Audio-visual materials to work towards equal treatment
This special report offers very complete and structured information including two sections on xenophobia and the refugee crisis and afro-descendants and negrophobia: all yet to be tackled. It includes a section on monitoring of international action against racism, xenophobia and intolerance with resolutions and recommendations issued by the UN, ECRI, OSCE and FRA and on Spain’s signature of the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime. The report is completed with sections on initiatives, case law and legislation in Spain and in Europe, manifestations of intolerance in Spain, figures on xenophobia in Europe and a report on racist, xenophobic and hate incidents in Spain.
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Special 2015 Raxen Report (II): Xenophobia, refugees, terrorism and Islamophobia, afro-descendants and negrophobia: all yet to be tackled
RAXEN Report. Solidarity or xenophobia? Towards a world response for peace. Issue 56. December 2015
This report presents an overview of the so-called “refugee crisis” and its links to the consolidation and advance of the extreme right in In…
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RAXEN Report. Solidarity or xenophobia? Towards a world response for peace. Issue 56. December 2015
Study num. 3.119 – Attitudes towards immigration (VIII). November - December 2015
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned by the Secretariat General for Immigration and Emigration, it enables us to further our knowledge of indicators to measure racism and xenophobia in our country and follow the development of attitudes towards immigration.
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Study num. 3.119 – Attitudes towards immigration (VIII). November - December 2015
2014 Report on hate crime related incidents in Spain
This report presents the incidents related to hate crimes recorded in the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Statistical System on Criminality during the year 2014. The statistics are broken down by variables. The report contains an introduction including surveys on the perception of discrimination, the overall development of the situation and comparison with the year prior, a third chapter describing the geographical distribution of the incidents, profiles of victims and perpetrators, and some final conclusions. An appendix contains a series of data from Regions and provinces.
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2014 Report on hate crime related incidents in Spain
Development of racism, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance in Spain (2013 Report)
This report is based on the results obtained from a survey conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) in 2012 under the Attitudes…
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Development of racism, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance in Spain (2013 Report)
Prosecuting hate crimes. A practical guide.
The publication of "Hate crime data collection and monitoring. A Practical Guide" completes the translation into Spanish of three…
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Prosecuting hate crimes. A practical guide.
Handbook for cultural diversity management in small and medium sized companies
The CULTURAL DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT handbook for small and medium sized companies is a product of a programme by the same name aimed at…
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Handbook for cultural diversity management in small and medium sized companies
Hate crime data-collection and monitoring. A Practical Guide
The publication of "Hate crime data collection and monitoring. A Practical Guide" completes the translation into Spanish of three…
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Hate crime data-collection and monitoring. A Practical Guide
Study nº 3.019 - Attitudes towards immigration (VII). March 2014.
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned by the Secretariat General for Immigration and Emigration, it enables us to further our knowledge of indicators to measure racism and xenophobia in our country and follow the development of attitudes towards immigration.
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Study nº 3.019 - Attitudes towards immigration (VII). March 2014.
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2012.
It This report, published in English by the Fundamental Rights Agency, relates the difficulties involved in protecting human rights in times of economic crisis and unemployment. It also describes action taken by the European Union in the field of fundamental rights, highlighted by the modernisation of the data protection framework.
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Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2012.
Combating racial and ethnic discrimination. Workbook 1. Key Concepts
This handbook serves as a conceptual guide with significant terms and definitions in the field of combating racial discrimination and to…
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Combating racial and ethnic discrimination. Workbook 1. Key Concepts
Report on hate crimes committed in Spain in 2013
This Ministry of the Interior report, providing data on incidents related to hate crimes, comes in response to international requests…
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Report on hate crimes committed in Spain in 2013
This report narrates the increase of hate crimes as well as ultra-right wing parties over the last few years in Europe. It the…
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Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other manifestations of intolerance through deeds. Issue 51 January - June 2012. Stop Hate Crimes in Europe
The report narrates the increase of xenophobia and the rejection of different religious confessions, particularly Islam, and urges…
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Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other manifestations of intolerance through deeds. Issue 52 July - December 2012. Hate crimes and the Identification and recording of racist and xenophobic incidents
This report urges Spain’s institutions to enhance their commitment to curb hate crimes and particularly stresses the need for these to…
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Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other related forms of intolerance through deeds. Special legal action against Racism and Hate Crimes
Discrimination and the Roma community - 2012
Through this report, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a Spanish Roma association aims to bring to light the discrimination suffered by Roma…
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Discrimination and the Roma community - 2012
This guidebook is a product of the FIRIR project (Training to identify and record racist incidents). It is a specific training tool aimed at national,…
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Guidebook to support the training of security and police forces in identifying and recording racist and xenophobic incidents
Development of Racism and Xenophobia in Spain (2012 Report)
This report is based on the results obtained from the ‘Attitudes towards immigration’ survey conducted by the CIS Research…
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Development of Racism and Xenophobia in Spain (2012 Report)
Study nº 2.967 - Attitudes towards immigration (VI). October-November 2012
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned by the Secretariat General for Immigration and Emigration, it enables us to further our knowledge of indicators to measure racism and xenophobia in our country and follow the development of attitudes towards immigration.
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Study nº 2.967 - Attitudes towards immigration (VI). October-November 2012
Handbook for diversity management in professional environments
This handbook is a product of the so-called GESDI project (diversity management in the workforce). Its objective is to attain equal and…
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Handbook for diversity management in professional environments
Handbook for instating Diversity Management Plans in SMEs and Micro-SMEs
Small and medium-sized enterprises have a vast diversity among their workforce and yet oftentimes they do not have the proper tools to carry a…
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Handbook for instating Diversity Management Plans in SMEs and Micro-SMEs
Migrant Integration Policy Index III
This manual known by the acronym MIPEX serves as a tool to evaluate, compare and improve migration policies. A total of 148 indicators are to…
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Migrant Integration Policy Index III
The Comprehensive strategy against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance comes as a response the…
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Comprehensive strategy against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance. (Approved by the Council of Ministers on 4 November 2011)
Handbook for diversity management in professional environments.
This handbook is a product of the so-called GESDI project (diversity management in the workforce) aiming to bring about equal treatment improve…
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Handbook for diversity management in professional environments.
Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other related forms of intolerance through Special…
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Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other related forms of intolerance through deeds...
2011 Report. The development of racism and xenophobia in Spain
Since 2008 this report on the development of racist and xenophobic attitudes in Spanish society has been produced based on the analysis the…
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2011 Report. The development of racism and xenophobia in Spain
Study nº 2.918 - Attitudes towards immigration (V). November 2011
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned by the Secretariat General for Immigration and Emigration, it enables us to further our knowledge of indicators to measure racism and xenophobia in our country and follow the development of attitudes towards immigration.
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Study nº 2.918 - Attitudes towards immigration (V). November 2011
This publication is co-funded by the European Community Programme known as PROGRESS, a programme aiming to generate activities awareness…
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A compendium of success stories in implementing local awareness raising plans about equal treatment and non-discrimination
Practical guide for journalists. Equal treatment, media and the Roma community
This handbook stresses the media’s impact in generating stereotypes of the Roma community and describes the tools the media have their…
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Practical guide for journalists. Equal treatment, media and the Roma community
Manual on integration for policy-makers and professionals
This manual combines various best practices and teachings based on the experiences of policy-makers and professionals from around Europe the…
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Manual on integration for policy-makers and professionals
Spanish and English versions.
In April 2010 the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Integration was held in Zaragoza under the Presidency of the European …
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Fourth Ministerial Conference on Integration. Integration as a Driver for Development and Social Cohesion
Evolution of Racism and Xenophobia in Spain (2010 Report)
This report is based on results obtained from a survey conducted by Spain’s Sociological Research Centre (CIS) in 2009 under title…
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Evolution of Racism and Xenophobia in Spain (2010 Report)
Handbook of European legislation against discrimination
This handbook is based on the Charter for Fundamental Rights that became legally valid when the Treaty of Lisbon came into force.
The handbook is divided into an introduction on European anti-discrimination legislation providing background, basic principles and developments, a description of the types of discrimination together with their justifications, a presentation on the scope of European legislation against discrimination, an analysis of the various characteristics that are protected, (i.e. gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, race, ethnic origin, colour, belonging to a national minority, nationality, relation or creed, language, social origin and political opinions), a description of the standards of evidence in anti-discrimination legislation, and a series of sections including case law and legal texts.
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Handbook of European legislation against discrimination
Study num nº 2.846 - Attitudes towards immigration (IV). September-October 2010
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned by the Secretariat General for Immigration and Emigration, it enables us to further our knowledge of indicators to measure racism and xenophobia in our country and follow the development of attitudes towards immigration.
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Study num nº 2.846 - Attitudes towards immigration (IV). September-October 2010
A Guide for Designing and Drafting Local Awareness Raising Plans
This publication is co-funded by the European Community Programme PROGRESS, whose objective is to foster activities that promote awareness raising on …
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A Guide for Designing and Drafting Local Awareness Raising Plans
The Muslim Immigrant Community in Spain - 2008 Opinion Poll
This report discusses the results of the survey conducted among the population of Muslim origin in Spain based on surveys conducted in 2006 and 2007. …
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The Muslim Immigrant Community in Spain - 2008 Opinion Poll
A study of Latin gangs in Madrid
This research aims to analyse Latin gangs in Madrid and provides background on various youth groups in the capital in an attempt to why…
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A study of Latin gangs in Madrid
Evolution of Racism and Xenophobia in Spain - 2009 Report
This report is based on results obtained from a survey conducted by Spain’s Sociological Research Centre (CIS) in 2008 under title…
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Evolution of Racism and Xenophobia in Spain - 2009 Report
Hate Crime Laws A Practical Guide
This Guide, published by the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODHIR), was prepared to serve as a practical tool enacting…
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Hate Crime Laws A Practical Guide
Study num. 2.817 - Attitudes towards immigration (III). October 2009
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned the…
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Study num. 2.817 - Attitudes towards immigration (III). October 2009
Practical Guide for media professionals on media portrayal of immigration
This handbook is divided into three main sections. The first discusses the media’s portrayal of immigration in Spain. The second a…
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Practical Guide for media professionals on media portrayal of immigration
Portrayal of immigration in the news in Spain - 2008
This study is conducted annually and evaluates how the media portray immigration.
The research conducted is translated into broad conclusions revealed …
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Portrayal of immigration in the news in Spain - 2008
Debate documents 2. Education, Civics and immigration
This document compiles conclusions and reflections from a broad team of professionals. Its ultimate goal is to put forward ideas,…
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Debate documents 2. Education, Civics and immigration
Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other manifestations of intolerance through deeds. 40…
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Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other manifestations of intolerance through deeds...
Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Spanish law
This document provides a detailed analysis of international law and, in further depth, national legislation tackling discrimination based sexual…
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Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Spanish law
Discrimination in the European Union in 2008. Eurobarometer results - Spain
This document shows the results of the 2008 Eurobarometer and compares the average for Europe with Spain. In order to obtain its results, the European Union interviewed 26,746 people in the various member States, 1004 of whom were in Spain. The survey is divided into 5 categories: perception and experience of discrimination, attitudes about diversity, combating discrimination, awareness of rights and background.
Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other manifestations of intolerance through 2008…
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Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Homophobia and other manifestations of intolerance through deeds..
Terminological jungle and a groundwork for efficiency in social policies
This article written by Xabier Aierdi provides thought on the state of immigration in Spain and the need for integration. Spain had…
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Terminological jungle and a groundwork for efficiency in social policies
Non-discrimination on religious grounds in Spain
This book is based on the link between article 14 of the Spanish constitution upholding the principle of non-discrimination, and article 16 upholding …
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Non-discrimination on religious grounds in Spain
The purpose of this guide is to provide tools for trainers of the national security forces in Spain. The guide fosters questioning own…
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Equal treatment and non-discrimination: a guide with recommendations for training law enforcement and security forces
Islam and immigration: elements for analysis and management proposals
This is a provisional version of the talk given by a professor of Arab and Islamic studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Ms Ana Planet…
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Islam and immigration: elements for analysis and management proposals
This is the final product generated by a seminar on assistance for victims of discrimination held in Madrid on 10 July 2008, organised the…
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Local mediation, ethnoracial conflicts and discrimination: the state of the art and experiences in Spain
Evolution of racism and xenophobia in Spain (2008 Report)
This report is based on the results obtained from the ‘Attitudes towards immigration’ survey conducted in 2007 Spain’s…
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Evolution of racism and xenophobia in Spain (2008 Report)
Discrimination and the Roma Community - 2008 Annual Report
This report emanates from the strategy to combat discrimination and promote equal treatment. Its objectives are to compile cases discrimination,…
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This is a preview of the results of a nation-wide study whose objective was to diagnose the situation in schools around Spain to serve a…
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National study on harmonious interaction up to the age of 16 in secondary schools (a preview of the results)
Green Paper on Migrations and Mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education systems
This report refers to the challenges posed by the presence of underprivileged migrant children in schools. Since the enlargement of European…
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Green Paper on Migrations and Mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education systems
2008 Report on Immigrants and Refugees social integration
This report, prepared by the Forum for the Social Integration of Immigrants, an umbrella for several different public institutions and associations, is divided into a first section summarising the recommendations presented in the Forum’s 2007 report, while the second section contains a series of features on local roots, family reunification, employment, gender violence among immigrant women, and asylum. Because the publication came at the outset of a new legislative term, the third and final sections present proposals focusing on migrants’ rights and strategies developed by the Directorate General for Immigrants.
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2008 Report on Immigrants and Refugees social integration
Study num. 2.773 Attitudes towards immigration (II) September 2008
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned the…
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Study num. 2.773 Attitudes towards immigration (II) September 2008
In this document Spaniards’ opinions and attitudes towards Islam are gleaned from data published by the Real Instituto Elcano (think tank) barometer. According to Javier Noya, it would not be correct to state that Spaniards reject Islam. There is no Islamophobia per se in Spain. When certain elements of Islam are criticised, the criticism is not specific, but rather motivated by increasing secularism in Spanish society that also leads it to criticise certain public manifestations of Catholicism. Undoubtedly, Spain’s drift towards secularism is the underlying factor that must be taken into account when analysing these attitudes.
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Spaniards and Islam
This handbook is geared towards companies in European Union member States and Turkey. Diversity management remains new in the Union, that…
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Diversity Management Handbook
Report on the news portrayal of immigration in Spain - 2007
The two-fold purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of the way the news portrays immigration and offer proposals that can be A…
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Report on the news portrayal of immigration in Spain - 2007
2007 National Immigrant Survey (ENI) Report
This report is the result of the National Immigrant Survey. It reveals and analyses the survey data.
It is divided into an introductory chapter providing a historical background of immigration in Spain, a discussion of the National Immigrant Survey methodology and the methodology used in the report itself. In the second chapter the social, demographic and family characteristics of immigrants are presented. The third chapter narrates the conditions in which immigrants depart their countries and enter Spain. The fourth discusses housing and residential mobility. The fifth chapter provides an evaluation of immigrants and jobs, the sixth chapter analyses relations with others from the immigrant’s home country and with Spanish society, and the seventh and last chapter summarises the main conclusions reached through the survey.
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2007 National Immigrant Survey (ENI) Report
This report alerts to the dangers of not tackling the problem of intolerance in its host of manifestations. Not bringing the problem to will…
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Raxen Report. Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism and Intolerance through deeds. 2007 Special Report. Ultra xenophobia in Spain
Discrimination against women is widespread in nearly all present-day societies including those with an Islamic tradition. Eradicating and…
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Conclusions of the 20th international seminar Women’s participation in countries of Islamic tradition
Spaniards opinion on racism and xenophobia - 2007
This report compiles the results of the study on “Spaniard’s opinions on racism and xenophobia”. Together with those from previous this…
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Spaniards opinion on racism and xenophobia - 2007
2007 opinion poll conducted among the Muslim community of immigrant origin in Spain
This document provides information from an opinion poll conducted among the Muslim community of immigrant origin in Spain in the year 2007.
The study, and particularly the first section, reveals this population’s places of origin and lengths of stay. The second section measures their degree of integration while a third section includes their image of Spain and and an evaluation of its institutions. The fourth section addresses individual religiousness while a fifth section measures their perception of Spaniards’ attitudes towards their religion. A comparison of the perception between Islamic and Western countries is also included as well as an analysis of the compatibility between different religious and social values. A final section with conclusions follows a section including general job-related, social and demographic parameters.
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2007 opinion poll conducted among the Muslim community of immigrant origin in Spain
Study num 2.745 - Discrimination and its perception 2007. December 2007
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned by the Secretariat General for Immigration and Emigration, it enables us to further our knowledge of indicators to measure racism and xenophobia in our country and follow the development of attitudes towards immigration.
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Study num 2.745 - Discrimination and its perception 2007. December 2007
This "Attitudes towards immigration" survey has been conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) since 2007. Commissioned by the Secretariat General for Immigration and Emigration, it enables us to further our knowledge of indicators to measure racism and xenophobia in our country and follow the development of attitudes towards immigration.
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Study num 2.731 - Attitudes towards discrimination on racial or ethnic grounds. September 2007. September 2007
Raxen Report num. 36 - December 2007
This report relates the increase of intolerant and neo-fascist groups that have led hate crimes to proliferate. It calls upon not public…
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Raxen Report num. 36 - December 2007
Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia. Perceptions on discrimination and Islamophobia. Voices of members Muslim…
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Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia. Perceptions on discrimination and Islamophobia...
This document includes data from an opinion poll conducted among the Muslim community of immigrant origin in Spain in 2006.
Its first section describes the methodology used, the second measures the degree of integration, the third describes the image and evaluation of the Spanish political system that the Muslim community of immigrant origin has in Spain, the fourth section deals with personal religious beliefs, the fifth measures the perception that this group has of Spaniards’ attitudes towards their own religion and provides a comparison between Islamic and Western countries and an analysis of the compatibility between religious and social values. Finally, there is a section with conclusions.
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The Muslim Community in Spain
Recommendation against racism and social discrimination in / and through schooling
This document drawn up by the European Commission against racism and Intolerance (ECRI) presents recommendations applied to education on…
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Recommendation against racism and social discrimination in / and through schooling
Methodological tips for intercultural awareness raising
This document illustrates the importance of awareness raising among professionals and volunteers working with migrants.
Awareness raising be…
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Methodological tips for intercultural awareness raising
Migrations and religious pluralism: elements for debate
The religious factor in immigrants’ construction of their identity was only included in political agendas, and particularly local once…
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Migrations and religious pluralism: elements for debate
Spaniards’ opinions on racism and xenophobia - 2005
This study reveals Spanish society’s overall rejection of racism and xenophobia. It denounces nevertheless that attitudes of still…
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Spaniards’ opinions on racism and xenophobia - 2005
Training Manual for Combating Discrimination
This manual aims to offer NGOs from EU member States joining in 2004, plus those in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, a training programme European…
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Training Manual for Combating Discrimination
20 ideas to build interculturality and prevent racism in education
This small tool provides 20 stories told in the first person, from the perspective of equality, justice and rights, by boys and girls who speak of walks of life where reflecting situations of diversity.
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20 ideas to build interculturality and prevent racism in education
Multiple discrimination: an old reality and a new concept
This article aims to help familiarise readers with the concept of multiple discrimination, traditionally used in sociology yet only in…
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Multiple discrimination: an old reality and a new concept
Ultra groups in football stadiums are the most significant magnet for bringing in youth and inculcating hatred and violence. This makes this teaching …
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Teaching unit number 6. Against racism and intolerance in football. International recommendations and legislation
Guide to provide support to victims of discrimination, hatred and violence
This document aims to serve as a guide for victims of discrimination, yet is also a type of awareness raising tool for the rest of society it…
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Guide to provide support to victims of discrimination, hatred and violence
Best practice and recommendations to combat racism and xenophobia in the labour market
This manual aims to compile the main activities performed during the first Equal Community Initiative corresponding to seven projects in the of…
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Best practice and recommendations to combat racism and xenophobia in the labour market
Immigration and the media. A handbook compiling best journalistic practice
This study focuses on immigration in the Basque Country, which began at the onset of the 19th century when people from across Spain there.…
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Immigration and the media. A handbook compiling best journalistic practice
This article was written by one of the most recognized academicians in Discourse Studies, Teun A. Van Dijk.
Conceptual grounds for racism are described and the importance of discourse in perpetuating and glorifying racism is discussed. The article also shows the way the press depicts Islam and becomes part of the problem. Interesting data are revealed, for instance since the 9-11 attacks, Islam has been portrayed in an increasingly polarized manner and in a negative light.
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Racism, press and Islam