
Publication: "Report on the evolution of incidents related to hate crimes in Spain. 2017"

  • Report on the evolution of incidents related to hate crimes in Spain. 2017
    • Synopsis

      This report publishes the statistical data of incidents related to hate crimes recorded by the Ministry of Interior in 2017. The study reveals that the Security Forces and Corps recorded last year a total of 1,419 incidents, which means an increase of 11.6% compared to 2016. The most frequent hate motivation is still racism and xenophobia, which is present in 36.9% of cases.

      The Statistical System of Criminality classifies the 1,419 facts recorded as follows: anti-Semitism (6), aporophobia (11), functional diversity (23), discrimination based on sex / gender (35), religious beliefs or practices (103), sexual orientation or identity (271), ideology (446) and racism and xenophobia (524).

      The report is divided into: an exhibition of the overall evolution of the statistical data and its variation with respect to the year 2016; distribution of the facts by criminal typology; the territorial representation of the incidents; the description of the victim and responsible profiles and a presentation of the incidents related to hate speech. Finally, the conclusions and an annex with statistical data and statistical methodology are presented.

      On the other hand, the Ministry of Interior has presented an Action Plan to prevent and prosecute hate crimes and improve the response of the Security Forces and Bodies. The plan has four strategic points of action: improvement of the specific training of the State Security Forces and Bodies, improvement of prevention systems, attention to victims, and efficiency and exactitude in the response. One of the primary objectives is to reduce the infringement of these crimes, especially high in cases of discrimination and attacks on social networks. The collaboration of NGOs and specialized associations has been essential to identify the specific needs of vulnerable groups and to reflect them in a plan that highlights the importance of crimes that are especially harmful to the democratic principles.

    • Themes

      Public Administrations, Data and Statistics, Hate crimes, Discrimination, Legislation

    • Year


    • Authors

      Cabinet of Coordination and Studies. Secretary of State for Security. Ministry of Interior

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      Report on the evolution of incidents related to hate crimes in Spain. 2017

    • Additional information

      Plan de Acción de lucha contra los delitos de odio .

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