
Publication: "Practical handbook for investigating and prosecuting hate crimes and discrimination"

  • Practical handbook for investigating and prosecuting hate crimes and discrimination
    • Synopsis

      This handbook is a practical tool for professionals in the judiciary and law enforcement with a view to conducting investigations and prosecuting hate crime violations.
      The handbook is contains an introduction that explains the need to raise awareness and train. It provides a definition of key concepts, a diagnosis of the most frequent problems preventing or hampering the prosecution of hate crimes and discrimination, a description of national, regional and international legislation on the issue, an analysis of the criminal code and its inclusion of hate crimes and discrimination. It also contains a section on victims, their treatment and legislation affecting them, a guide to the investigation and prosecution of cases, a section on specialised services and coordination between various levels of government, and a final section including best practice and recommendations.

    • Themes

      Hate crimes, Discrimination, Legislation

    • Year


    • Authors
      • Miguel Ángel Aguilar
      • Víctor Gómez
      • Marta Marquina
      • Miriam de Rosa
      • Josep María
      • Generalitat de Catalunya
      • Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada.
    • Download

      Practical handbook for investigating and prosecuting hate crimes and discrimination

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