Isabel Castro Fernández
Secretary of State for Migrations
Isabel Castro Fernández
Isabel Castro Fernández has a degree in Law and Business Administration from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Admission to the Superior Corps of Labor Inspectors in 2008, practicing for 6 years, and carrying out, among other functions, relations with surveillance and compliance with labor, Social Security, occupational risk prevention and immigration regulations. .
Subsequently, from 2015 to 2019, she has been General Director of Labor, Social Economy and Occupational Health of the Government of the Balearic Islands, carrying out planning and monitoring functions of the activity of the Labor and Social Security Inspectorate, development of various calls of subsidies, mediation in labor conflicts and collective bargaining, start-up of the Balearic Institute of Social Security, among others.
Subsequently, from 2019 to 2021, she served as Minister of Public Administrations and Modernization of the Government of the Balearic Islands, with powers in matters of public service, emergencies, modernization of the administration, democratic memory, transparency, good governance, participation and volunteering.
Until her appointment, she was working as General Director of Coordination, Relations with the Parliament, Rights and Diversity, also of the Government of the Balearic Islands, mainly carrying out tasks of coordination and promotion of the policies of the 11 Departments of the Government, the relations between the Government and the central government in matters of transfers and possible unconstitutionality appeals, as well as relations with the Parliament and the different political groups.