
Publication: "Practical Guide for media professionals on media portrayal of immigration"

  • Practical Guide for media professionals on media portrayal of immigration
    • Synopsis

      This handbook is divided into three main sections. The first discusses the media’s portrayal of immigration in Spain. The second includes a practical guide for media professionals and the third adds an agenda with resources for media professionals to consult.

      The guide was put together with the cooperation of 18 professional journalists from the general press including news agencies, radio, print and television. Its purpose is to offer keys ideas and tools to media professionals so they can properly address immigration in the media. The undeniable importance of news demands even greater social responsibility from those who process and disseminate it, i.e. the media and news outlets.

    • Themes

      Immigration, Media

    • Year


    • Authors
      • José Carlos Sendín Gutiérrez
      • Patricia Izquierdo Iranzo
      • Grupo de Investigación sobre comunicación, sociedad y cultura (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
      • Observatorio Español del Racismo y la Xenofobia (Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales)
    • Download

      Practical Guide for media professionals on media portrayal of immigration

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