
Publication: "Teaching unit number 6. Against racism and intolerance in football. International recommendations and legislation"

  • Teaching unit number 6. Against racism and intolerance in football. International recommendations and legislation
    • Synopsis

      Ultra groups in football stadiums are the most significant magnet for bringing in youth and inculcating hatred and violence. This makes this teaching unit denouncing the situation and demanding and end be put to this practice so important.

      The unit contains an editorial, written by Esteban Ibarra, against racism and intolerance in football. The second chapter presents the ECRI (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance) recommendation on combating racism and racial discrimination in sport. It continues with the ECRI Declaration for the 2008 EUFA Euro Cup, a guide with racist and xenophobic symbols to be eradicated in football stadia, a presentation made by the Observatory on Racism and Violence in Sport, a discussion of the Protocol for Action Against Racism, Xenophobia, and Intolerance in Sport, and the regulations to prevent violence, racism and xenophobia in sport.

    • Themes

      Racism / xenophobia, Intolerance

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      Teaching unit number 6. Against racism and intolerance in football. International recommendations and legislation

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