
Director of the cabinet of the minister for the inclusion, Social security and migration

María Teresa Ledo Turiel

Mayte Ledo

Body of immediate assistance to the holder of the department.

Degree in economics, university of Valladolid and postgraduate studies at the Centro de Estudios monetary and financial (CEMFI) and doctoral courses in Economic Analysis in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Has been responsible for costs and investments at BBVA from 2019 performance. Before various positions in the financial Area, to lead the integrated operational team in 2018, or the strategy of the financial Area from 2016.

Between 2013 and 2016 was director of cabinet and previously chief financial officer, responsible for regulatory trends and on relations with supervisors and regulators from 2011.

Before joining the financial Area, worked at BBVA Research as chief economist of financial and economic scenarios since 1999, function was added analysis regulatory trends after the financial crisis.